Recognizing the long-term health benefits of a properly managed supplement regimen can be challenging, but the rewards are clear when you know what to look for. Dr. Andrew Brandeis, an expert in effective nutritional supplement use, highlights the benefits of a foundational supplement regimen and outlines how to spot the signposts that indicate it's working.
Unlike pharmaceutical drugs, which are formulated to treat specific, existing conditions, the key function of high-quality supplements is preventive and supportive. Because of this, it is important to adopt a different set of metrics when assessing their effectiveness. Time is the key consideration here. Any judgment must be predicated on the question: "What is the impact of my supplement program having on my health and wellness over the long term?"
Next, you need to look at the current state of your health. Do you have any pre-existing medical conditions? Are you genetically predisposed for any? How's your diet? Do you exercise regularly? Once you've defined these initial factors and adopted a long view mindset, it's now critical to determine what kind of supplement program is right for you. Ideally, it would be best if you did this in consultation with a healthcare professional or your doctor, but a good place to start is to ask yourself what areas of your health you'd like to focus on improving. For some, it may be increased energy or focus; for others, it may be digestive health, stamina, or muscle and bone health (there is now a robust and growing amount of evidence-based scientific literature indicating the effectiveness of nutraceuticals on a range of functions).
Having taken these first steps and begun your program, what are some signs it's having a positive effect? Below, I've listed some telltale markers — along with some foundational nutrients found in most well-managed regimens — that will tell you you're on the right path. (It should be noted these recommendations assume high-quality, soluble supplements, proper storage, and the basic minimum requirements to ensure overall effectiveness.)
Optimizing your long-term health is, by definition, a life-long commitment. As a Naturopathic Doctor who specializes in the effective use of nutraceuticals, I'm convinced a well-designed, properly managed supplement regimen is an essential step to being the healthiest you possible. However, the signs are sometimes subtle and hard to spot.